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Knapp Releases 4th DIRD By Ulf Leonhardt, Interviews Harry Reid

On January 31st, 2019, George Knapp and KLAS broadcast a new interview with Senator Harry Reid.  As my friend Giuliano Marinkovic points out, there are two separate videos linked on the KLAS website page. Make sure to watch both.

George Knapp has interviewed Harry Reid many times, but not in the last year due to health issues. Senator Reid wants Congress to carry out hearings on UFOs. He also agrees that more UFO programs exist within the government, as previously reported by

George Knapp: “It suggests there might be other studies and programs that might shed light on this?”

Harry Reid: “Other programs that have been done and information they have, including different pieces of evidence.”

John McCain and the Senate Armed Services Committee asked for more information on the AATIP/AAWSAP Defense Intelligence Reference Documents, and Senator Reid said this about John McCain during the interview:

“Sure, John knew what I was doing. He didn’t hide the fact that he was interested also. It’s why he wrote the letter.”

Every time we are told about interest in UFOs among politicians, especially prominent ones like McCain, even posthumously, we are given a glimpse into their often very secretive and private mindframe.

Other than Senator Reid’s historic comments, George Knapp released the fourth complete DIRD, not just a cover letter. We know all the DIRDs that exist, all thirty-eight titles, but this fourth complete document is very important. Not only do the DIRDs lend legitimacy to the subject, it shows scientists that these subjects are in fact studied and taken seriously by the United States Government. Hopefully more scientists will now be inspired to take up and publish similar research, openly.

The now fourth DIRD title to be released is called, “Invisibility Cloaking: Theory and Experiments,” written by Dr. Ulf Leonhardt. Dr Leonhardt, has a lot of material available on the internet and in books, including this Ted Talk:

Something we have seen utilized in the four released DIRDs are pictures and photographs. Here is Dr. Leonhardt speaking about his work, as well as the importance of pictures:

In this current presentation from Dr. Leonhardt, uploaded to youtube in August of 2018, Ulf speaks about Casimir Physics, a seemingly popular topic among DIRD scientists like Dr. Richard Obousy. The audio is less than clear at times:

Dr. Leonhardt also focuses on Metamaterials, a term that has multiple meanings that dont always imply involvement with UFOs or the Phenomenon, while other times they explicitly do.

I can only guess since we have now seen four DIRDs released, that more will eventually come out. The whole interview that George Knapp conducted with Harry Reid has not been broadcast, yet.

Update #1:

5th AAWSAP D.I.R.D. Released by George Knapp; Covers Detection of Hypersonic Vehicles

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